Previously, in Jaena’s World: The Prequel to My History Comics

Hello Trauma Warriors! Last week I made two promises to you. In Wednesday’s article, when I talked about the value of recording positive feedback, I promised to fully share the best affirmation I had given myself. On Friday, when I showed you how my creativity developed out of vision boards, I left you with a cliffhang. I showed you the first two pages of my “Previously, in Jaena’s World…” which accidentally acted as a prequel to my history comics. Now I have created the digital version, except where context has been added for your benefit.

This was my first ever “Previously, in Jaena’s World…” and as the title suggests, I scripted it with a narrator’s voice, referring to myself in third person. I still do these at the closing of each of my 90 Day bullet journals, but with more wisdom now. Yet I can honestly say that this particular one is still my favorite. For one thing, it actually had a plot, just like a story, which also included plenty of triumph. And the other is, it contains equal parts inspiration and cautionary tales. I will talk to you about the cautionary tales at the end of this.

The inspiration I hope you get from this is two-fold. 1) How enduring and working through our “growing pains” often lead to our greatest growth spurts. 2) You’d be amazed by the stories you’re living inside right now this minute. If you practice reflecting on who you are and what you do with self-compassion, what sort of narrative will you be capable of giving yourself? Think about it!

Terms referenced from Trauma Glossary 1: Gaslighting
Terms referenced from Trauma Glossary 2: Adult Attachment Disorder; Critic; Depersonalization; Flashback; Shame Spiral; Soul Death; Toxic Shame
Terms referenced in Master Toolbox 1: (tools for) Transference (especially Cognition Sheet); Window of Tolerance (especially Self-Care); Resources (especially Complex-PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker)

There is a profanity warning here, not just in the lyrics to my Father’s Day confrontation rap (which you will see at the end), but also in the prequel, itself. When I write my articles, I try to keep the language clean except in very special circumstances. However, given the nature of events that occurred here (especially in my Marco Polo rant!) I made the decision to keep the original language.

As always with my comic books, captions are provided underneath each image. This is so that those of whom English is not their first language can follow along with the translator.

Previously, in Jaena’s World… (A recap of May 1 – July 31, 2020)
Jaena coped through Monster’s Day…uh, Mother’s Day by rhyming a confrontation letter to her father. Realizing it was a rap in progress, she emailed Person A about the fun she was having.
Magically, the interlude was formed. Making it the second time creative magic developed out of their correspondence. *MUSE*
She gleefully worked on her rap all week and was so excited for the following weekend, certain she would complete it. But that weekend held an unpleasant surprise for her…
She woke up to a series of messages from a so-called friend: Person B
A LONG series of messages from Person B…
Context Time: I break narrator voice in order to provide you with background
A Little Background…Person B wanted to be a life coach. She had the idea of adding trauma book club discussions to my group. I encouraged her to lead with her idea. She got excited because she wanted to add her life coach training to the mix. She got a bunch of my people excited with all of the growth she promised them. She got up to half of chapter 1 of Pete Walker’s book when she suddenly quit. Which brings us to the present…
Check-in person?? WTF?? Continue working together…how?
She just left her own group without first appointing a new admin. No admin means no one new can be brought in to take over. Her group has officially become a dead group. So now, my burning question: how do I proceed?
Daily Devotionals Brought to You be American History: WWGWD? (What would George Washington do?) Next 4…
During George Washington’s 2nd term as president, he found out Thomas Jefferson was the mastermind behind the newspaper that kept talking “shiitake” about him…
George Washington found out I back-stabbed him. I’ll fool him by writing my brilliant gaslighting letters.
B!tch please! I was raised by a gaslighter. My response is NO response.
And by the way, Jaena: Just be grateful you’re not stuck next to Person B on Mount Rushmore for all eternity.
*HOLD YOUR POSITION!* My Response is NO Response!
So Jaena Held Her Position in an 11-hour shame spiral, just to keep herself from apologizing to a bullshit accusation.
Finally, she made a Marco Polo for Person C to confide what happened. She vented her spiral into anger and out of that anger came the best affirmation ever…
How I processed my shame spiral into anger and defeated the spiral…(Next 7)
(Actual screenshots of that very Marco Polo rant with my friend.)
“When I started my group, that was before I found out I was…before I…I’ve been destroyed TWICE – not once, twice, since starting (the group). Like I couldn’t go on kind of destroyed. The first time was 6 weeks after I started the damn group. I found out I was the poster child for CPTSD. Guess what? I made a promise to them.”
“I promised them, We’re gonna rise up. We’re gonna do this. Join my group. We got this. I still managed to be present for them at least once a week, if not more. The second time was when I was in flashback hell. I was in Crazy Town when we were processing summer of ’96 in EMDR.”
“Man, I had the nastiest case of the cuckoos, walking around the house with a loaded gun because I kept expecting my borderline mother to show up any second, her or a hit man to come and take me out and I’d better kill first before they kill me! That’s how fucked up I was but guess what? I couldn’t even do anything, nothing – NOTHING!”
“Any little task was triggering overwhelm – extreme overwhelm. Okay? Guess what? I was still yanking myself up by the bootstraps, Finding! Yanking! – strength to be present for (my group) at least once a week – while I was in Crazy Town. I was crumbling in the seconds it took me to post that shit, but damn it, I was present. You know, because I made a promise.”
“And I hadn’t even figured out that I had found my calling yet. It was all because I promised them: we’re gonna rise up! So guess what? I needed to give them hope. I needed to give them inspiration because I promised. And you know, for her to do all this shit, I’m like, Oh my god! How the hell do you ever plan on rising up? How the hell do you ever plan on being a damn…um…life coach.”
“How do you ever plan on doing that, you can’t hold to your own fucking game plan? Something comes up, ‘Oh, fuck you, I need my fucking space now.’ When you’re committed to a life coach BUSINESS, you better compartmentalize quick. You’d better learn that shit…and guess what?”
“As upsetting as this shit is, guess what? I’m still gonna make my fucking video for (my group) tomorrow because that’s who I am. That’s what I do. And there’s your goddamn affirmation right there.”
So she cleaned up Person B’s mess by partnering with Person D.
Created a secondary group for trauma book club discussions.
But Jaena couldn’t recover her mojo, as the second half of May kept throwing wrenches into her plans. She got angrier and angrier as events seemingly conspired to take pieces of her free time…
Until she realized: Some time stolen does not mean All her time is stolen.
Her anger was feeding the events more control than they were taking from her. She laughed at herself and made a video in (her group) demonstrating her error.
She declared the month of June self-care month to try and figure out the mysteries to her mojo.
(An idea that wouldn’t have latched on had she been her usual busy-holic self.)
The birth of the Trauma Glossary…
It took on a life of its own and revolutionized how she would blog. Between the rap and the trauma glossary, she was forced to practice tapping into the benefits of…
*Minimalism: Less is more*
Jaena got outraged at there being no names for adult attachment disorders, despite CPTSD being an attachment disorder in itself…
*CPTSD: The bastard children of DSM*
So she dared to take it upon herself to name 3 different types; then made a video for (her group) asking for feedback. The responses were great, so she went with it and added them to the trauma glossary.
Jaena finished her rap and performed it in (her group) for Father’s Day. (hubby as co-star) And in the process, achieved closure on the overwhelming rage at her father.
By the end of her 30 Day Self-Care Challenge, she learned what her mojo was all about. She made a video in (her group) on the importance of self-care, which fuels creativity.
The hippocampus feeds the thalamus: History has its eyes on me…
Jaena found her old rejection letter that sealed the deal on her age 21 Depersonalization Period. She held it up to the walls of her guest house, which held remnants of her old convoluted novel that was never going to happen. So she took pictures and shared them in (her group).
Warning: You are about to see the ugliest walls in human history…
Then, she made a video in (her group) lecturing on how unprocessed shame can and will direct one’s life.
Then she got the following epiphany from her own rap:
“You minimized, normalized, rationalized her abuse,
All so you could justify you wasn’t any use!”
= Exact same formula she had been applying to her adult life in order to stay stuck in job she’s detested for…longer than she cared to count.
So the question remained, what was she going to do about it?
Cautionary Tales Officially Begin…
She decided it was time to rip the band-aid off and…CHARGE! Close out this 90 Day Bujo with a huge bang! That’s when she experienced:
*Deadlines: The rush and satisfaction of meeting them*
July 31, 2020: She completed TWO major goals in a single day!
1) She completed the Trauma Glossary and…
2) Finally secured her domain!
Her trauma-engineered nervous system went haywire at once…
“Yeesh! My body is in panic mode! What’s going on with me??”
Jaena checked her cognition sheet and was shocked by what her nervous system had to say…
She triggered her age 21 soul death flashback
But Jaena did NOT die…She is going to THRIVE!

Notice how I chose to handle what my ex-friend did that triggered a major series of events. Now notice how I worded that last sentence, because there’s been a trend where people have been encouraged to thank those who hurt them. This trend, which I strongly discourage implies that those who hurt us also “made us” better people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Whatever good we develop out of our hurt is always the result of us, never them.

Since my growth was far from perfect, let’s discuss the cautionary tales. It was my rapid growth and how much I had accomplished in such a short period of time that triggered my perfectionist critic. Except it was such an optimistic “voice”, I didn’t recognize it for what it was at the time. You could say that I got swept off my feet by my own wins and it made me greedy. Instead of being satisfied with all the things I had already done, I wanted to close out my 90 Days with two major wins.

This set me up for impossible expectations for my next 90 days and caused me to take for granted every one of my wins and insights. No wonder I shame spiraled at the close of the next one! And only my first comic book with George Washington could pull me out of it.

Both “completing the trauma glossary” and securing my domain were grossly premature, anyway. The fact that it was called trauma glossary in the singular sense, (we have three trauma glossaries here) is proof that the project was far from “complete”. While true, I secured this domain on July 31, 2020, it would be twelve and a half months before I would go live with it.

Upon securing my domain, my nervous system immediately warned me that I was overlooking something crucial. It was, in fact, thanks to using my cognition sheet that I was able to understand where on earth all the panic was coming from. Cognition sheets can help us find words when our systems act up to the point where we only have sensory and images, as it helped me that very night. This is another takeaway I hope you consider. Practice using this as your tool. You will be amazed by the clarity it can provide you.

So, how did I quell the panic of my age 21 flashbacks and shrink my critic enough in order to finally go live? It took me actively experiencing the acceptance of “perfectly imperfect”. My first taste of this was in the performance of my Father’s Day rap, which included a kickboxing routine I had put together.

Keep in mind, I was an amateur kickboxer who was also self-taught through YouTube videos. A couple of my moves in particular were laughable disasters. (To anyone who kickboxes, I actually thought I could pull off the flying knee on a punching bag stand! Believe me, my attempt at pulling off that particular move was even funnier than what you’re imagining.) But at the close of “take one”, I looked at my husband and said, “No more tries, it feels right to go ahead and post this one as is.”

I actively experienced even more Perfectly Imperfect when I ripped those hideous notecards off my walls (which you saw in the above pictures) and transformed the whole room into this:

If you take the time to scrutinize the above picture, you’ll notice the bulletin boards are not hung as symmetrically as I had intended. My wall art, the sun, has an uneven number of rays on either side. The drapery is hung slightly lower on one side than the other. In other words, my newly decorated room is beautiful and perfectly imperfect, like me, like all of us.

What a shame I took the whole experience for granted because I was too caught up in comparing one 90 day period to another. Just check out the 13 takeaways I got from this project:

Finally, in order to work through those intense flashbacks of my age 21 soul death, I needed to learn from a man named Frederick Douglass. My first history comic book pulled me out of my shame spiral and gave me perspective. My second history comic, which I created in March of 2021, incredibly, rewired my brain where that particular trauma was concerned. I am pleased to inform you that next week will be that very comic book in question: Issue no. 2 Guided Wisdom with Frederick Douglass.

For now, I will leave you with the lyrics to my Father’s Day rap:

Coward! Traitor! Spineless Enabler! (Lyrics)

I used the music from “Yorktown (Instrumental)” here. (Yes, from the Hamilton soundtrack.)

Papa, Papa…I wish I could talk to you.
The words you used to tell me, I don’t think they was true…

You’re getting more like her every day.
That makes her child abuse a-okay.

<robotic voice>
Welcome! I am programmed for
-people pleasing-

That’s my amygdala, Papa, it’s my curse;
Check out my super-conscience, it’s even worse.
I’m a selfish bitch with no empathy,
A rage-a-holic with no accountability.

You’re a Coward! Traitor!
Spineless Enabler!
So busy loving you dearly
That I never saw you clearly.
You’re a Coward! Traitor!
Spineless Enabler!
I’m the key to your mirror,
Hard truths you won’t consider;
That you’re a Coward! Traitor!
Spineless Enabler!

Papa, Papa…I wish I could rage at you.
Now my chains have broke, I see through you.
You was the sane one,
The so-called nice one,
The rational one.
Look at me, I ain’t done!
She was a sick, crazy bitch, a low functioning BPD.
I grew up in a hurry, just so I could be, finally free,
From her splitting, her projections and her rages.
You aided and abetted that shit through all her stages.

She read my diary and got access to my brain,
Then used it to promote my shaming campaign!
She ripped it up and wrote: I hate you too!
But here’s the thing, I wrote that diary ’cause of you.

You’re getting more like her every day.
That makes her child abuse a-okay.

I was just thirteen when you started saying that to me;
Had to save my kids from my tyranny…
She destroyed it two months in its inception,
And with it, my children’s possible conception.
You minimized, normalized, rationalized her abuse.
All so you could justify you wasn’t any use!

You’re getting more like her every day.
That makes her child abuse a-okay.

You wanna see my mother’s daughter come out to play?
Sit your ass down Papa and watch what you say.
You THINK you fear the rage of BPD;
I’ll show you the wrath of Complex PTSD!
I woke up my sleeping giant,
And no more will I be silent.
See, I am my mother’s daughter, you son of a bitch,
And y’all done fucked with the wrong damn bitch!

<I perform my kickboxing routine while the electric violins play>

One thing you taught me is never mistake the coward’s weakness for kindness.
The coward stands for nothing and will fall for anything.
The coward is always a traitor-in-waiting for the tyrant;
‘Cause the coward’s fear is greater than the coward’s love.
Coward! Traitor!
Spineless Enabler!

In the adult world, power is given, never taken;
Think kids have the same choice? – you’re sadly mistaken.
Real men make those HARD choices
For children with no voices.

You turned my mind upside down,
But I turned it right side up.
I’m good now, can’t the same ’bout you…
Enjoy what’s left of your poor life choices.
I’m out of here.
I’m done with you!

He’s a Coward! Traitor!
Spineless Enabler!
So busy loving him dearly,
That I never saw him clearly.
He’s a Coward! Traitor!
Spineless Enabler!
I’m the key to his mirror,
Hard truths he won’t consider,
That he’s a Coward! Traitor!
Spineless Enabler!
-And to him, I am superior!

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